Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fun times to share!

I am going to share some pictures of this past week!  The first 2 are from Pumpkin Festival here in Keene.  We went for a few hours in the morning and the boyZ dressed up in their costumes.  Zak was Gene Simmons I am very proud of the way his make-up came out.  Zain is a DR.  You can't really tell because his straps from the stroller cover his scrubs but it says Dr. Zain.  The next 2 pictures are from Jolie's Halloween party.  Zain had a great time!  Tatie (Colline, aunt in French) helped him decorate his cookie.  The last picture is of Zak and Zain at my moms riding on the treadmill.    So as you can see we had a pretty busy week!  Zain got croup this week and we did NOT have fun with that at all!  It was a long second half of the week!  He is bouncing right back!  He is now all done with his meds and just has a runny nose....NOW I am feeling is just starting and I am taking meds so I HOPEFULLY will not get it bad.  My throat is killing me and my nose is running but I am NOT sick...LOL

Well check back tomorrow for swaps from my last club meeting!!  They are SOOOO good!

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