Friday, September 5, 2008

I've Fallen IN!!!!!

Hello Friends!!!
First I have to tell everyone that Mr. Zain just about slept through the night last night...BUT guess what I COULDN'T sleep!!! Go figure! He woke for a few minutes but I just stood by his door and told him it was night time. My mom thinks he may be going through separation anxiety??? What do you all think? He is 119 months old (almost) Or she thinks maybe he is afraid of the dark? I am off to get a night light this weekend....

Ok on to the projects!!!! Why I have I fallen IN? Because I can't stop playing with the new IN colors! HELLO KYLAH there are so many other wonderful colors out there!!!! I made this card for Avril with a matching bag that I posted the other day.....I love making those! I am going to make another one for my sister this weekend! NO IN colors I promise (fingers may be crossed behind my back LOL) I put a small bag of tea in this bag. Avril and Colline really liked their gifts! I was very pleased!

LOOKIE LOOKIE at all of this wonderful ribbon!!!! I hosted a ribbon share and here it all is! 5 people joined in and they got 2 or 3 yards of ALL the NEW ribbons! What an awesome way to try it all!!!!! My great friend JoAnn came over to help me cut and we whipped it out in no time! We wrapped all the ribbon around card stock that I punched the the round tab punch. I saw someone do this on SCS and I thought it was an awesome idea! If anyone else would like to participate in a Ribbon Sampler it cost $30.00 plus shipping to you. Please send an email to and I will send you ALL the details! So far everyone that has come to pick up the ribbon has been very very happy! Oh and I gave everyone a sampler of the NEW IN color buttons! Now can you see why I have fallen IN LOL!!!!!

Well I am either going to watch GH or go finish the birthday card that is now 4 days late....poor girl.....

Nighty Night!


Avril said...

WOW Honey! I am soooooooooo impressed with all your ribbon "bundles"! Good job!!


Kirsten said...

my Mak still wakes on occassion but goes back to bed fine now. It tooks months and putting her in a twin bed to get her to sleep through the night. I have her ALL day and ALL night so when the Doc told me separation anxiety I had to laugh. You are doing great! and not sleeping when they actually do, totally happens to me!

Oh LOVE what you made Avril!!! I too have become totally hooked on the in colors and those ribbon shares are to die for!!!! You are genius and they are adorable!