Sunday, July 27, 2008

Our Sunday

Hi Everyone!
I made this album for my grandparents down in Florida.  Mum and Pop have not met Zain yet so I try to send her photos very often!  I used Real Red and Brilliant Blue textured CS.  I used a retired stamp set called Crayon Kids.  I love using this stamp set for kids birthday cards.  I will have to post my favorite one!  Any who...So the designer paper is Creative Memory and I thought it went perfect!  The inside of the album is clear envelopes!  This was SOOOO easy to make!  Oh I think I put about 30 pictures in!  The binding is held together with build a brads so it matches just perfect!
I hope everyone had a great Sunday!  We sure did!  We had a lazy morning waiting for the sun to come out then we left for Alstead NH to a day lily farm.  OH MY GOODNESS it was BEAUTIFUL!  I picked out 3 lily's and I planted them this afternoon.  We also went to my parents for a quick visit.  Zak went into the pool while Zain worked in the garden with his Papa. (My dad).  We also went to visit my grandparents and my grandmother was so impressed with Zain because she gave him a cracker and he said "THANK YOU" it was very cute LOL!!

Tonight I made Cindy's Blueberry Pudding Cake with the blueberries we picked yesterday and all I can say is OMG!!!!!!!!!!  It is soooo good I know i am going to eat the entire dish tonight!  Zain couldn't stop eating it!  Zak didn't want to try it.  Well all this talk about it I think I should sign off and go have some! 
Have a great night!

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