Friday, July 18, 2008

Goodbye :(

I had my retirement party last night and here are the 3 cards that we made.  I was so crammed for time (because I am a PROCRASTINATOR!!!!) I found all of these lovely cards on SCS Thank you to all you lovely ladies for helping me out when I was in a bind.  I did change all 3 of them just a little.  I wanted to keep the cards simple..also I wanted to use IN colors.  SOOOOO this is what I did.  Off the top of my head the only one I know is the Artfully Asian card is from onehappystamper aka CINDY!!!!!  She is going to kill me because I keep CASING her cards but they are ohhhhh so purty!!!!!  Thank you so much Cindy!  

I hope everyone has a great weekend!  I just looked up the weather online for tomorrow and they say light rain.  I really hope not because I am going to my mom's pool for the day...Bring on the sun!!!!


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