Monday, June 9, 2008

Bind it All...ROCKS!!!!

Oh how I love little machines!  For Mother's Day Zak and Zain (AKA the best dad in the world, Chris) got me the bind it all.  I really didn't think I would be able to use it but this thing is SSOOO easy!  This is my first project I used it with.  It is so flipping cute!  It is a little book with pockets made out of ONE 12x12 piece of paper!  ONE that's it!  I think I may have pushed a little to hard when I went to shut the wires because they were a weird shape...but that's okay that's what ribbon is mask any mistakes ;)  Plus I think the ribbon makes the project!
Well it's 9:30 quite early for me to be posting...(I made this project a couple of weeks ago) should I go to bed, stamp, or watch the tube with my man?  YUP he is home and we were able to spend the whole day together....I think I will sit with him because the long work hours start up again tomorrow ;(
I hope everyone is keeping cool in this heat wave we are going through!  It is suppose to be even hotter tomorrow!!!!  Whew good thing for AC!!!  
Happy Stamping!
~Kylah ;)

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